Abagados de Trafico en Broward – Driving While Texting in Florida

Florida may soon become the eighth State to ban texting while driving. We all know the dangers of driving under the influence. As a Broward County DUI defense lawyer, I have seen DUI laws in Florida become tougher and tougher with each Legislative session.
Next month, Florida’s Legislature will take up a bill proposed by Representative Doug Holder from Sarasota. His proposed bill seeks to prohibit the operation of a moving vehicle while reading, manually writing or typing, or sending messages on electronic wireless communication devices.
The National Safety Council, (citing a Harvard study), notes that cell phone usage in general contributes to an estimated 6 percent of all automobile accidents, which amounts to 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries and 2,600 deaths each year.
Stay tuned. If the bill passes, penalties will almost certainly be civil in nature consistent with traffic tickets.