Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys Discuss New Crime Stats

Last week, state official released new statistics showing a decrease in Florida crime of about 11% during the first half of this year compared to the first half of last year. The Palm Beach Post reported that major crime statistics dropped by more than 11% percent, while in Broward County, authorities noted fewer robberies and aggravated assaults.
However, one unfortunate trend that began last year was that while crime is down overall, homicides related to domestic violence actually rose 6%. Last year, the percentage of homicides linked to domestic or dating violence doubled from the previous year.
According to local leaders in law enforcement, the increase may be due to increased stress and pressure due to the economy.
Source: Crime down first half of 2010, but domestic violence-related homicides rise, South Florida Sun Sentinel, October 13, 2010
Contact our South Florida criminal defense attorneys for a free initial consultation if you have been arrested and charged with a crime such as domestic violence.