Fort Lauderdale is more aggressive now in tracking and reporting the use of controlled substances then they have been in the past. They now hold pharmacies legally accountable for ensuring that the drugs and the controlled substances are dispensed for legitimate purposes and there is a greater burden on people working within the industry.
As a result, these types of practices decreased, prescription drug theft dropped, and pain management clinics and pill mills disappeared. An unfortunate negative impact is that heroin usage increased as patients were cut off from their ability to doctor shop, have their prescriptions overlap, or obtain much more than the prescribed amount of medication.
If you are facing prescription drug charges, a distinguished attorney can help you create an appropriate defense based on your desired future. A Fort Lauderdale prescription drug lawyer can help you face these charges head on with their legal experience and support. Contact Leifert & Leifert today to get started.
Local Law Enforcement
Florida’s interstate highway system was once called the “oxy express” based on the amount of people that came from out of state. Governor Rick Scott spearheaded the campaign to reduce the amount of abuse in the state. Working with Drug Enforcement Administration, Governor Scott led the closure of about 400 pain management clinics, many of them in South Florida and in the Fort Lauderdale area.
They also targeted local pharmacies suspected of over-dispensing controlled substances and prescription medication, leading to serious criminal charges for many making it important those charged contact a Fort Lauderdale prescription substance attorney.
Exceptions for Legal Interaction
Perscription drug attorneys in Fort Lauderdale have seen exceptions that enable some people to legally interact with the drugs in these charges. For example, if a person has a valid prescription from a doctor, they could legally interact with most of the drugs.
The drug statutes under the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of Florida provide an exception for people who work in certain medical, scientific, or law enforcement areas. That includes pharmacists, medical doctors, dentists, optometrists, and or people who procure controlled substances in good faith and in the course of a professional practice, under the supervision of a pharmacist, or for the purpose of lawful research, teaching, or testing and not for resale.
Other exceptions are individuals who work in hospitals, officers, or employees of the state, federal or local government personnel acting in their official capacity, or informants acting under their jurisdiction. Also exempt are common carriers such as the United States Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, and companies that manufacture the controlled substances. Local police officers are exempted when they take possession and arrest somebody for possession of a controlled substance or a drug-related offense. A bona fide law enforcement purpose in act of investigation is also excused.
Abuse of Medically Approved Drugs
Florida was once well known for being a pill mill state or an area where safeguards were relatively low for medically approved drugs or drugs obtained by a lawful prescription. Until recently, the state lacked prescription drug tracking that enabled locals and people from out-of-state who visited to fill overlapping prescriptions.
These individuals obtained prescriptions for more than the prescribed amount or use and made Florida susceptible to that type of abuse.
The state recently cracked down on that problem and did a lot of work in the area of medically approved but abused drugs. The state took an active role in prosecuting pain management clinics and the doctors who run them. At one time, nearly nine out of every 10 oxycodone pills dispensed in the United States were prescribed by a doctor in Florida. That has dropped since Florida implemented its new procedures and practices. If you have been charged with abusing medically approved perscription substances, enlist the help of a Fort Lauderdale drug defense attorney today. Contact us at Leifert & Leifert to set up a free initial consultation.