Most drivers rarely experience a traffic stop. However, it is likely that most drivers will be pulled over at least once in their lifetimes. With this in mind, it may be best to learn more about the process of being pulled over in Ft Lauderdale. Doing so could benefit you when speaking with an officer about why you got pulled over and in building a defense should you be accused of committing a traffic violation. To learn more, be sure to schedule a consultation today with one of our Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert today.
Requirement to Answer an Officer’s Questions
When someone is pulled over and the Law Enforcement officer questions them, there is no requirement to provide answers other than presenting identification. However, if one is less than courteous and cooperative about making any admissions or confessions, that sets the tone for the conversation. The driver wants to be cordial and somewhat engaging while keeping in mind that anything they say can be used against them. When an individual is pulled over for speeding and the officer asks them why they were pulled over, they do not necessarily have to admit that they were speeding under that line of questions.
Waiting for Instructions
After the person gives the officer their insurance, license, and registration, they need to wait until otherwise directed by the Law Enforcement officer. If there is a situation where a violation or traffic citation is issued, the officer usually returns to their vehicle to do a number of things. First and foremost, they check to make sure all of their documentation is in order. The Law Enforcement officer wants the driver’s license record to see if the license remains valid. The officer runs a check on the vehicle and the registration to make sure the vehicle is properly documented and has not been reported stolen. They may or may not check on the individual’s insurance although they usually do not have the means to do that. When the presentation of an insurance card is up to date, that satisfies the request from a Law Enforcement officer with respect to the insurance.
It is best to remain calm and wait for any instructions or directions from the Law Enforcement officer. If they continue to observe the officer when the officer is behind them by looking in their rearview mirror or their side view mirror, that could be interpreted as a sign of nervousness or anxiousness on behalf of the driver. It could heighten suspicion that might not otherwise have been there.
Failing to Produce License or Registration Information in Ft Lauderdale
If an individual has license or registration information somewhere on their cellphone, they could request to provide that documentation by showing the officer a photocopy or a file that might exist on their cellphone. The driver should ask permission from the officer to do that before presenting the cellphone or reaching for it. Some individuals have committed their driver’s license number to memory. They can offer that to the officer in lieu of presenting the actual driver’s license. The same thing is true for the registration. If someone does not have their driver’s license numbers, the Law Enforcement could look it up using their date of birth.
It is helpful to give the officer as much information as possible so they can verify that the driver at least has a valid driver’s license. When someone does not have a valid driver’s license, a different approach should be taken. The person might not want to tender that information and perhaps allow the officer to figure that out on their own.
Presenting Information at a later Date
When someone is pulled over in Fort Lauderdale, they can go the clerk’s office for some violations and present the proper documentation that should have been available at the time. The clerk’s office may dismiss the charge on their own, although there could be a small processing fee of about $10. If the driver makes the presentation to the Broward County Clerk’s Office in Fort Lauderdale in a timely manner, a lot of those cases could be dismissed without having a hearing before a judge by the clerk for a small processing fee.
Retaining Legal Assistance
In the aftermath of a traffic stop in Fort Lauderdale, you may be wondering about whether you should retain legal assistance after being accused of committing a traffic offense. It is important to consider the benefits of working with an Attorney at Leifert & Leifert when making this decision. You would be better prepared during your trial date, you may be more adept at anticipating any arguments made by the prosecution, and you would be more informed regarding the status of your case. To learn more, be sure to schedule a consultation today.