DUI Arrests on July 4th Weekend

As Americans prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July, and America’s independence, law enforcement departments all over the country gear up for increased numbers of sobriety checkpoints and DUI arrests.
Our Palm Beach and Broward County DUI defense attorneys know that local police departments have historically ramped-up DUI crackdowns during July 4th, espcially when the holiday falls on a weekend or, as is the case this year, when it creates an extended weekend.
With more drivers on the road and more local bars and restaurants hosting events and offering drink specials, the likelihood of drunk drivers being on the road increases; as such, so does the number of police officers looking to catch them.
From clearly illuminated DUI checkpoints at major intersections to obscured, undercover police officers waiting for swerving vehicles, police officers will be out and about this weekend, looking to make sure that anyone who drives while under the influence of alcohol or drugs has the chance to celebrate in a certain exlusive club: county jail.
Due to the elevated presence of police looking for individuals driving under the influence of alcohol this weekend, your chances of getting pulled over and arrested for and charged with DUI are likely to be significantly higher than normal. Being charged with and/or convicted of DUI can tarnish a reputation; it can have a devastating effect on your work life, your social life, your family life, and your ability to live your life in the manner you choose.
Being arrested for DUI is not necessarily an indication of the actions of a criminal; after all, a first-time DUI offender might have suffered from a momentary lapse of judgment. Furthermore, the individual arrested for DUI might not have known they were intoxicated. Without breathalyzers readily available, it is often incredibly hard if not impossible to know when you’ve (legally) had too much to drink. Many people have a high tolerance for alcohol, for example, and although their BAC/BAL might register a number .08 or higher, they may very well not feel intoxicated at all.
Having been prosecutors in the very counties in which we now practice criminal defense law, we know the strategies used by prosecutors. Importantly, we also know that the law often offers “second chances,” in the form of pre-trial diversion programs, to those whose first-time offenses might simply have been an out-of-character, one-time mistakes. These programs can offer a path to a dismissal of charges contingent upon successful completion of a program which might include the paying of fines, community service hours, taking DUI and/or alcohol abuse classes, etc.
If you happen to be pulled-over and arrested for DUI in Palm Beach, Broward or Miami-Dade County, make sure to contact our experienced, skilled and knowledgeable DUI defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Leifert & Leifert.