Traffic ticket fines, traffic school and court appearances can cost you significant amounts of time and money. Additionally, points against your Florida Driver’s License can cause your insurance company to raise your rates by hundreds of dollars, costing you even more. The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles, as our Flordia traffic lawyers know, can also suspend your Driver’s License if you have incurred a significant number of points. Having a suspended license can mean:
a) not being able to get to work/school/etc., costing you money and opportunities and/or
b) having to pay out-of-pocket for public transportation.
Therefore, to avoid this inconvenience, it is important to consult with an experienced defense Attorney in Florida.
License Suspension
The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles’ ability to suspend a license based on the accrual of points is illustrated by the following example: incurring 12 points within 12 months will cause your license to be suspended for 30 days; incurring 18 points within 18 months will lead to license suspension for 3 months. In addition, traffic school takes up valuable time and money, and you will be forced to “use up” one of your lifetime elections.
If you were recently given a traffic ticket for speeding, running a red light or stop sign, driving carelessly, driving with a suspended license, DUI, or a criminal traffic violation, one of our Florida attorneys will represent you in traffic court. We can defend you so that you don’t have to go to court.
Speaking With a Florida Traffic Lawyer
Our experienced Florida traffic Lawyers will attempt to get your traffic ticket dismissed, the assessed points eliminated, the fine reduced, and/or eliminate the need for you to attend traffic school. Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert are former prosecutors who thoroughly know the law and are dedicated to getting you the best results possible. We guarantee you’ll get no points on your driving record, or your money back!* In most cases, you won’t have to appear in court or go to traffic school, saving you valuable time and money.
To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced lawyers, please can contact the Law Offices of Leifert & Leifert today.
*To be eligible for this guarantee, you must have had no tickets issued or decided in the past 12 months. The guarantee applies only to non-criminal, non-school zone, and non-accident matters and does not apply to speeding tickets with allegations of speed in excess of thirty miles per hour over the posted speed limit.