South Florida DUI Lawyers Discuss Statewide Crackdown on Unsafe Driving

On Friday, the Florida Department of Transportation announced that it is stepping up enforcement of drunk driving laws statewide. As part of the annual, nationwide “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.” enforcement and outreach campaign, law enforcement officials throughout Florida will be aggressively searching for impaired drivers and will arrest anyone found driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Last year, Florida had over 22,200 alcohol-related crashes. There were more than 1,100 alcohol-related fatalities and more than 15,700 alcohol-related injuries throughout the state.
The crackdown will continue through Labor Day, since Labor Day weekend is often the deadliest time for Florida drivers. In 2008, 36 people died on Florida roads during the holiday weekend and a third of those fatalities were alcohol-related. More than 10,000 police agencies across the country are participating in this law enforcement effort.
PRESS RELEASE: Florida Law Enforcement to Launch Statewide Crackdown on Impaired and Unsafe Driving, August 21, 2009
A South Florida DUI lawyer can explain your legal options if you have been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.