Broward County Lawyers Discuss Case Involving 911 Call for Pig
According to a police report, a 54-year-old woman dialed 911 about a 4-year-old male who was unable to breathe and may have choked on a marshmallow. When emergency responders arrived at the home, they discovered, not a 4-year-old child as they’d expected, but a 4-year-ol d pet pig.
The police chief said they had several crews at the scene and Lifeflight on standby because they assumed it was a child in distress. Initially, their reaction was one of relief, followed by disbelief. Had the caller been more specific about the circumstances surrounding the emergency, crews could have responded in a more appropriate manner rather than bringing so many crews.
The city prosecutor is looking at the case to decide the woman will be charged.
Source: Woman Calls 911 for Pet Pig, Fox 8, April 29, 2010
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