Criminal Defense in Ft. Lauderdale
Any time an individual is accused of breaking the law or doing something illegal, it can result in a criminal charge and prosecution. The penalties for committing that crime will vary depending on the severity of it. With this in mind, a Ft Lauderdale criminal lawyer is the greatest asset an accused individual can have, as they will fight to make sure their client’s rights are protected and work hard for a successful outcome. Contact an experienced defense attorney in Ft Lauderdale right away to begin building your defense.
Building a Defense
It is impossible to build a good defense, or even supply information on what could be a good defense, without knowing the full details of any one criminal case. Statutes of limitations vary depending upon the crime, and the defenses available will also vary depending on the circumstances.
Individuals that have been charged with a crime in Florida face serious consequences but there are defenses available. And in all cases, accused individuals have rights that need to be protected along every step of the way. Our experienced Ft Lauderdale criminal lawyers defend individuals charged with a wide range of crimes including, but not limited to: assault, domestic violence, drug charges, DUI, sex crimes, <!––>theft, false imprisonment, misdemeanors, felonies, and traffic offenses.
If you or someone you love has been charged with a crime, contact experienced Ft Lauderdale criminal lawyers for immediate assistance to initiate the best possible defense. Your free and confidential initial consultation with one of our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys will determine how our firm can best help with your legal defense and defend your rights.