Our Florida traffic attorneys at the Law Offices of Leifert & Leifert are well-versed in the law that governs license suspension and revocation in the State of Florida; as such, our Florida suspended license lawyers are thoroughly knowledgeable about the prescribed penalties for individuals found to be driving while their driving privileges (and thus their driver’s license) has been suspended or revoked. In the Florida State Statutes, s. 322.34 details specific offenses of this nature and described the penalties for each.
For example, any person whose driver’s license or driving privilege has been canceled, suspended, or revoked, except as a “habitual traffic offender” (defined in s. 322. 264), who drives a vehicle upon the highways of the State of Florida while their license or privilege is canceled, suspended, or revoked, is guilty of a moving violation. According to chapter 318 of the Florida State Statutes, a moving violation will yield a fine of up to $500 and can add points onto the license of the driver in question. In addition to having to pay fines, the driver will undoubtedly be forced to pay increased insurance rates due to the penalty points added to the license. Furthermore, in addition to having to deal with fines and points added to the driver’s license, the driver will also be responsible for court costs, which can amount to hundreds of dollars.
Driving on a Suspended License
The scenario described above, in s. 322.264(a), involves an individual perhaps unknowingly driving on a suspended license. S. 322.265(b) deals with a driver who knowingly commits the offense described above. This subsection describes “any person whose driver’s license or driving privilege has been canceled, suspended, or revoked as provided by law, except persons defined in s. 322.264, who knowing of such cancellation, suspension, or revocation, drives any motor vehicle upon the highways of this state while such license or privilege is canceled, suspended or revoked.” For a violation of this specific offense, upon a first conviction, an individual is guilty of a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083 (up to 60 days in prison and/or $500).
For a second conviction of this offense, an individual is guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083 (up to 1 year in prison and/or $1,000). For a third or subsequent violation of this offense, an individual is guilty of a third-degree felony, punishable as provided by s. 775.082, s. 775.083 and s. 775.084 (up to 5 years in prison and/or up to $5,000). Additionally, habitual offenders can be penalized in a manner significantly harsher, as described in s. 775.084 making it important that a Florida suspended license attorney is consulted.
Fighting a License Suspension in Florida
Our Florida suspended license lawyers know that having your license suspended or revoked is a significant inconvenience; as your legal defense team, we will fight to secure your right to drive. If your license is indeed suspended or revoked, we know that, based on the previously cited state statutes, the penalties are significantly more severe if an individual drives while they know their license has been suspended. As your legal defense team, our revoked license attorneys in Florida will represent you and aggressively fight for your rights; we know the law and we know how to mount a defense geared at protecting you from harsh penalties. Contact our office today to learn more about your options.