If you have questions regarding Fort Lauderdale speeding ticket administration, consider reaching out to a professional defense attorney with years of experience in handling these types of cases. A dedicated lawyer can help give you advice on your case while crafting a professional defense on your behalf. Become acquainted with the following information to learn more about Fort Lauderdale speeding ticket administration, as well as the ways a determined defense lawyer can make a difference in your case.

Common Methods for Fort Lauderdale Speeding Ticket Administration

Speeding tickets are almost exclusively issued by uniform traffic citation. Officers usually issue them at the scene of the alleged crime. Occasionally, in cases involving accidents, they might be issued later in the hospital or in the mail, but most are issued on uniform traffic citations that are personally delivered at the scene by a Fort Lauderdale police officer.

Issuing Reckless Driving Charges

Reckless driving charges can be issued with a traffic citation and without physical arrest. Reckless driving is a crime in Florida, and in Fort Lauderdale, officers can either arrest individuals for reckless driving or simply issue a traffic citation. However, know that both methods are considered two different forms of arrest. Officers can issue a reckless driving charge to somebody with a traffic citation, and then release them from the scene. This is referred to as a ROR, or release under their own recognizance. Because reckless driving is a criminal charge, the citation would still show up as an arrest but it would instead be referred to as a written arrest.

When Do Drivers Need to Appear in Court for a Speeding Ticket?

When an individual is issued a speeding ticket, they have a couple of choices. They could enter a plea of guilt, pay the fine, and accept points on their record in a small amount of time. If allowable, they can elect to go to driving school and pay a lower fine because driving school costs money. Driving schools would eliminate points going on that driver’s record. An individual can only elect driving school once per calendar year, and only five times overall.

Fighting a Traffic Citation

For individuals that want to challenge their citation and fight it, they would enter a plea of not guilty. It is highly recommended that drivers who want to fight their citations hire a traffic defense lawyer experienced in Fort Lauderdale speeding ticket administration. If an individual elects to challenge their citation in court, their case could be entirely dismissed in a best-case scenario. A dismissed traffic citation would not appear on that individual’s driver’s license record, and no court fees would be assessed.

The Role of a Skilled Traffic Defense Lawyer

It is highly recommended that any time an individual contests a citation, they engage the services of a qualified attorney in Fort Lauderdale. Drivers who want to fight their traffic tickets in Fort Lauderdale and hire a lawyer are not required to appear in court. They could instead be represented by an attorney in their place. A distinguished lawyer experienced in Fort Lauderdale speeding ticket administration could potentially gather evidence, interview key witnesses, and act as an aggressive advocate for your innocence. Reach out to a dedicated attorney today for more information.

Fort Lauderdale 3rd Avenue
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • 1213 SE 3rd Avenue
    Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33316
  • Palm Beach Gardens
  • 800 Village Square Crossing
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
  • Wellington
  • 12230 Forest Hill Blvd
    Wellington, FL 33414
  • Ft Lauderdale
  • 6550 N. Federal Highway
    Suite #220
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
  • West Palm Beach
  • 2101 Vista Parkway
    West Palm Beach, FL 33411
  • Delray Beach
  • 2160 W Atlantic Ave
    2nd Floor
    Delray Beach, FL 33445
  • Plantation
  • 1200 S Pine Island Rd
    Plantation, FL 33324
  • Boca Raton
  • 10055 Yamato Road
    Suite 509
    Boca Raton, FL 33498
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • 1213 SE 3rd Avenue
    Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33316
  • Ft Lauderdale
  • 6550 N. Federal Highway
    Suite #220
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308