Being handed a speeding ticket is often a troublesome circumstance to find yourself. Not only could you be at risk of having to pay an expensive amount in fines, but you could also be subject to points being added to your license. Considering the consequences a speeding ticket might have on your license, you may find it best to retain the services of a skilled traffic Attorney from Leifert & Leifert. A Plantation speeding ticket Lawyer could sit with you to review the circumstances of your traffic stop and determine an appropriate defense for your case.
Penalties for Speeding in Plantation
According to Florida Statute §316.183, you may be handed a ticket for a speeding violation if you drive faster than what is reasonable under the given conditions. You could also be awarded a ticket for driving in an area which requires drivers to slow down before entering. Examples of these areas include winding and narrow roadways and busy intersections.
In Plantation, pleading guilty to a speeding ticket infraction could cause you to have three points added to your license. A court may also require you to attend a course on driver safety and the dangers of excessive speeding. In addition, you may have a hefty fine imposed on you depending on how fast you were driving above the speed limit:
- 6-9 mph – $25
- 10-14 mph – $100
- 15-19 mph – $150
- 20-29 mph – $175
- 30 mph and above – $250
In order to avoid these penalties, it may be best to get in touch with a speeding ticket Lawyer in Plantation as soon as possible. Failing to respond to a speeding ticket within before the deadline may be taken as an admission of guilt, regardless of the circumstances of your offense.
Aggravating Factors
In Florida, those caught speeding in specific areas may have their fines doubled. For example, if you are caught speeding in a school or construction zone, you may have your fines increased. In addition, if you were caught driving 30 mph over the speed limit more than once in the span of a year, you would incur a doubled fine. Individuals driving with excessive speed could be facing reckless driving charges.
Habitual Speeding Offenses
When someone is regarded as a habitual traffic offender, this means that they have accumulated three or more convictions for specific criminal actions. Such actions may include:
- Involuntary manslaughter
- Driving with a suspended license
- Hit and run accident
- Operating a commercial vehicle without having the proper licensing
You could also be considered a habitual traffic offender if you received at least 15 or more convictions for moving traffic offenses with five years.
Learn More about Speeding Tickets from a Plantation Attorney
Speeding tickets are commonly seen as nothing more than a nuisance. However, depending on fast you were driving above the limit, the area in which you were pulled over, and any other conviction for traffic violations you may have, the consequences could be quite serious. Failure to address the situation with a Plantation speeding ticket Lawyer could cause you to incur expensive fines, as well as having points added to your license. To begin building a suitable defense for your case, be sure to get in touch with one of our Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert as soon as possible.