For decades, we have been successfully representing clients facing a wide range of charges. Our Palm Beach and Broward County criminal defense lawyers handle all aspects of our clients’ cases, up to and including the post-trial or diversion aspects, which often include probation and/or community control.
These types of programs, and others of a related, supervisory nature, are defined in s. 948.001 of the Florida State Statutes. Probation, for instance, is defined as a form of community service requiring specified contacts with parole and probation officers and a number of other conditions outlined in s. 948.03. Community control, on the other hand, indicates a form of intensive, supervised custody in the community, which includes surveillance on weekends and holidays, administered by officers with restricted caseloads. Community control is an individualized program in which the freedom of an offender is restricted within the community, home, or noninstitutional residential placement and specific sanctions are imposed and enforced.
Below, you will find links to a variety of pages, written by our Palm Beach and Broward County criminal defense lawyers, which outline various aspects of probation and community control-type programs. Our attorneys believe it’s crucial that you familiarize yourself with the state laws regulating these types of programs, because despite the phrase “what you don’t know can’t hurt you,” we know that quite the opposite is true.