Title IX investigations can affect college social groups, such as fraternities and sororities. Greek life on U.S. campuses provides social connection and opportunities for many students. These groups can also be the target of Title IX investigations.
Fraternity and sorority Title IX investigations can involve sex discrimination in membership and the organization as well as sexual violence and harassment by members in an organization’s property or activities. Our Lawyers at Leifert & Leifert can help you understand how Title IX might affect your organization and what to expect in an investigation. Call today to get in touch with one of our skilled Title IX Attorneys to learn more.
Current Title IX Regulations and Greek Life
Title IX generally prohibits sex discrimination, and institutions of higher education that receive federal funds must comply with Title IX’s provisions and regulations. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) creates specific regulations for colleges and universities to follow in implementing this Law to prevent and correct discrimination on their campuses.
Schools risk losing federal funding if their programs do not properly follow Title IX and OCR’s regulations, which detail how schools should investigate alleged violations and what consequences exist for accused students and employees, including fraternities and sororities. However, these regulations can shift based on the politics of the President’s Administration with OCR and the U.S. Secretary of Education shifting how institutions conduct their compliance.
How Changes in the Law Affect Sororities and Fraternities
In 2020, new Title IX regulations changed how institutions develop and execute their investigations. A few such changes shifted the interaction between Greek organizations and their members involved in an investigation. For example, one change limited the reach of Title IX investigations for groups unrecognized by a particular school, such as “off-campus” fraternities and sororities. These regulations also restricted the ability of fraternities and sororities to discipline or remove their own members if a member was involved in an ongoing investigation, limiting the organization’s action to after an investigation finishes.
Under current regulations, Title IX investigations involving fraternities and sororities may depend heavily on an organization’s relationship with a given school and the facts of the specific investigation. One of our Attorneys could provide better insight and clarity into your school’s Title IX policies as applied to your organization, no matter where your institution is located.
Consult with an Attorney to Discuss Greek Life Title IX Hearings
Title IX regulations from OCR can drastically shift the relationship between a Title IX investigation and a Greek organization. However, these laws can be difficult to understand without legal guidance.
If you want to learn more about how fraternity and sorority Title IX investigations could affect your organization, speak with a dedicated member of our team at Leifert & Leifert. We can analyze your organization and your school’s policies to determine how the current regulations will change an investigation involving your members and what changes may be in store. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation.