When tempers flare, and someone calls the police, the consequences for family members accused of domestic violence can be significant. These penalties can include incarceration, fines, and social consequences that last a lifetime.
If you are facing domestic violence charges, a skilled Attorney could help protect your rights. This could include avoiding a conviction and the consequences that come with it. Learn how a legal representative could help address Wellington domestic violence charges and possible penalties.
Jail Time After a Domestic Violence Conviction
As is the case with every criminal charge in Wellington, domestic violence offenses result in an initial arrest and can lead to incarceration. Whether or not the accused is likely to face substantial—or any—time behind bars depends on several factors, including whether the offense is a Felony and the number of prior convictions a person has.
The specific charge a person faces will determine the penalties that come with a conviction. For example, domestic battery is typically a Misdemeanor. That means it carries a maximum Jail term of one year. Many convicted of this offense will not face additional jail time following their arrest if they are accepted and successfully complete an approved domestic violence treatment program.
Some domestic violence cases are Felonies. These offenses carry much steeper penalties, including the possibility of multiple years in prison. Having multiple prior convictions can also lead to steeper penalties.
Domestic Violence Fines
In addition to the risk of incarceration, a conviction for a domestic violence offense can also lead to monetary fines. The amount of these fines will depend on whether the charges faced are Misdemeanors or Felonies. The maximum fine for a Misdemeanor charge is $1,000. These fines can be substantially higher for Felony offenses. A knowledgeable Attorney in Wellington could explain the expectations for this domestic violence penalty.
Collateral Domestic Violence Consequences
Jail time and fines are usually the consequences most people are concerned about when they face arrest for domestic violence. However, other consequences can impact an individual beyond those statutory penalties. In fact, a collateral consequence could follow the accused long after paying off their fines or serving jail time.
Anyone convicted of a domestic violence charge faces the loss of their right to own a firearm. This is due to federal law that strips those rights away from convicted domestic abusers. Anyone convicted of domestic violence could also lose other rights, such as voting rights.
A domestic violence conviction could also affect Parenting rights in a child custody case and eligibility for employment opportunities. Some property owners will not lease to those with criminal convictions. A domestic violence conviction could even impact an immigration case.
Like statutory penalties, these consequences only occur following a conviction for domestic violence in Wellington. That means it is essential to make every effort to avoid a criminal conviction in these cases. The right legal counsel could build a winning defense in a domestic violence case.
Talk to an Attorney About Wellington Domestic Violence Penalties
All of the consequences related to a domestic violence conviction could affect you for the rest of your life. Before you accept that these consequences are inevitable, consider fighting back with the help of legal counsel. Reach out to an experienced Lawyer right away to learn how to avoid Wellington domestic violence penalties.