Law enforcement uses many different speed reading instruments in West Palm Beach. Some of the most common ways an officer tells if a driver is speeding are by using radar, LiDAR, calibrated speedometer, calibrated stopwatch, and pacing. Officers use these different tactics to try to prove that a driver was speeding, which makes speeding cases challenging to beat. However, an experienced traffic lawyer could help fight against the charges brought against you. Contact our attorneys from Leifert & Leifert to learn more about how a legal professional could help you.
Radar and LiDAR Readings
Radar guns are one of the most commonly used speed reading instruments in West Palm Beach by officers. The weight of a radar reading as evidence in court is comparable with what other evidence the prosecution has in court. If the only argument in court the defendant has is a denial that they were speeding, then the radar evidence is going to be of great weight.
When defending against radar readings, an individual could argue against the accuracy of the radar gun. The radar gun itself is accurate when it is used and maintained correctly. However, it is possible that the officer used it incorrectly such as recording the wrong vehicle. An operation error is not uncommon in the use of radar guns because humans make errors.
Officers may also use LiDar when determining a vehicle’s speed. LiDAR works similar to radar guns but uses a laser instead. LiDAR reliability is like radar and that it is all about the officer’s training, calibration, instrumentation, and maintenance.
Does the State Need to Prove in Court that the Speed Reading Instruments Work?
To prove in Court that speed-measuring instruments worked as intended, law enforcement must testify that they worked properly and that they are licensed and permitted to use the instrument. They also must testify that the instrument is properly registered and approved by the State of Florida, that the particular instrument was maintained in accordance with state rules and regulations, and that it was calibrated on the day that it was used. Without that, they cannot use the results obtained from the device. Fortunately, an experienced attorney could fight against the officer’s allegations.
What is Pacing?
Pacing is when an officer uses their own speed to estimate the speed of another vehicle. Pacing is admissible in the State of Florida if it is accompanied by proof that the speedometer in the car driven by the officer at that time was properly calibrated within the past six months.
Some issues with pacing in speeding cases are that officers can misinterpret information. They glance down at a speedometer quickly because they are driving fast and they do not make an accurate reading on their speedometer. Pacing is subject to interpretation, and there is no evidence of how long an individual was followed, so it is much more subject to attack than a radar or laser device.
Call a West Palm Beach Attorney About Speed Reading Instruments
It is a common myth about speed reading instruments in West Palm Beach in which there is no defense. Speeding and reckless driving cases can be beat or charges can get reduced with the help of an accomplished defense lawyer. To learn more about speed reading instruments and how a lawyer from Leifert & Leifert could help, call today.