Broward DUI Lawyer: Florida Man Arrested for Lawnmower DUI

Broward DUI lawyer Brian S. Leifert has just learned that a Green Cove Springs, Florida man has been arrested for DUI while riding his lawnmower. Damon Hayward hopped on his lawnmower and was driving to the gas station when he was stopped by the police for not having headlights. Hayward was subsequently arrested for DUI.
Police report that he was apologetic and remorseful about the DUI arrest, which was not his first.
In my years as a Broward DUI lawyer and former Broward prosecutor, very few DUI lawnmower cases have come through the system here in Broward. On occasion we’ll see a DUI bicycle arrest and see quite a number of Boating Under the Influence (BUI) cases.
Broward DUI lawyer Brian S. Leifert has successfully represented individuals charged with DUI in Broward County. If you are facing a DUI charge in Broward, call a Broward DUI lawyer at Leifert & Leifert for a no charge consultation and case evaluation.