Delray Beach Criminal Lawyer – Atlantic High School Criminal Justice Academy Saved by Grant
Our Delray Beach Florida criminal defense lawyers have been reading about Atlantic High School’s Criminal Justice Academy. Since 2002, the Academy has helped Delray students interested in law enforcement to learn more about the field. Students learned about what it takes to be a police officer and how to write traffic tickets, preparing them to major in criminal justice or other fields. Due to budget cuts, however, the Delray Beach had considered eliminating the program.
But the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, totaling $70,375, will allow the criminal justice program to continue.
The Delray Beach police department also received a $289,582 grant to help fund the Holiday Robbery Tack Force, reconfiguring driving simulators, and additional police vehicles. The United State Department of Justice allows state and local government to support a range of activities to prevent and control crime. Both grants are from the Department of Justice.
Source: Grant helps save Criminal Justice Academy at Delray Beach high school, South Florida Sun Sentinel, October 28, 2009
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