For some people, facing allegations of sexual harassment or wrongdoing on a college campus can feel hopeless. While some assume there is no coming back from the accusations, the reality is that the accused has rights under federal law.
When you are facing charges under Title IX, you deserve a chance to defend yourself. The good news is that you never have to fight back alone. A dedicated Attorney could advise you of your rights during a Florida Title IX investigation.
How the Title IX Process Works
The Title IX process is intended to provide an avenue for preventing sexual harassment while also protecting the rights of the accused. When allegations of sex-based discrimination or harassment are made, schools that receive federal funding must investigate and take appropriate action to address these issues. Unfortunately, this process is not always fair for students facing these allegations.
Under Federal Law, various forms of misconduct are prohibited. These include stalking, harassment, sexual assault, revenge porn, and date rape, among other things. All of these can create an inhospitable environment for learning on campus, which Title IX is designed to prevent.
During the investigation by the institution, you have the right to be treated fairly and impartially. This means you should be given equal opportunities to present your side of the story and provide evidence supporting your claims. It is also crucial that confidentiality is maintained throughout the process as personal information may be shared during interviews or hearings. Overall, understanding your rights in a Title IX examination in Florida empowers you to actively engage in the process and seek a just resolution.
Rights Guaranteed to the Accused
It is helpful to remember that Title IX proceedings are not Criminal charges. That means a person under investigation for sexual harassment or discrimination will not necessarily enjoy all the rights that come with being charged with a crime. That said, Federal Law does provide critical rights in these situations.
When you face these allegations, you have the right to review the evidence against you. This is only fair, as defending yourself against allegations that are kept from you is difficult—if not impossible.
You are also entitled to a hearing. Instead of the college or university simply deciding your fate, this process involves a hearing similar in some ways to a Criminal Trial. At these hearings, both sides could put on evidence or call witnesses.
Along the way, there is a right to have these matters addressed in a reasonable amount of time. This requirement is intended to prevent allegations from dragging on for years and upending a person’s ability to complete their education or earn a living.
Arguably the most important right that is granted under Title IX investigations in Florida is the ability to have Legal Counsel serve as your advocate. It is only fair given the high stakes that you can consult with an Attorney. Your Lawyer can directly represent your interests when these cases result in a hearing.
Talk to an Attorney About Rights During a Florida Title IX Investigation
When you are dealing with these serious allegations, the steps you take during this process could have a tremendous impact on your future. Hiring an Attorney to serve as your advocate could provide you with the best chance for a positive outcome. Call right away to discuss your rights during a Florida Title IX investigation with a Lawyer at Leifert & Leifert.