Theft is an offense that people sometimes do not take seriously because it is often a non-violent offense. Despite the fact that it is typically a non-violent crime, it could still have serious consequences if you are convicted. That is why it is important for those who have been charged with a theft offense to speak with a skilled attorney. The role of a Ft. Lauderdale theft Lawyer is to build your defense and ensure that your rights are protected. If you have been charged with a theft offense, consult a determined theft Attorney that could fight for you.
Expectations of a Ft. Lauderdale Theft Attorney
What to expect of a criminal defense Attorney depends on the specific Attorney contacted, but usually, people can expect to be given a reasonable amount of time over the telephone to learn about the case and to make sure that the attorney can help. They can expect to come into the office for a consultation. Attorneys will seek to learn about the facts and circumstances as well as potential charges, Police reports, court dates, and the assignment of the Judge. It is important to have a face-to-face meeting to ensure it is the right Attorney since they will ultimately represent the person in court.
Steps a Theft Lawyer Could Take When Building a Defense
It is important to act early and as quickly as possible, so Attorneys like to interview clients and give them as much time as required because memories fade. The clock is ticking, and there is an opportunity to engage the Prosecutor, who is ultimately going to make the decision as to how the case will be filed. There might be potential defenses that might come up at the very early stages.
There might be witnesses that were not interviewed by law enforcement that could shed some additional light on the case and could wind up being a benefit to the client. Attorneys also obtain any Law Enforcement evidence, whether it be police reports or statements, and try to get hold of those items as quickly as possible to see if there are any legal defenses available. If someone is in custody and they are having a hard time getting out, Attorneys would look toward getting the family in touch with a bail bondsman.
If the bond is unreasonably high, then the role of a Ft. Lauderdale theft Attorney is to file a motion for reduction of a bond to try to get the bond lowered and potentially get an individual released on their own recognizance.
Probation and Reduced Sentence Options
One role of a Ft. Lauderdale theft Attorney is to represent their potential client and to identify and pursue alternative options when possible. Any individual charged with a theft-related offense is more likely to get their charges dismissed with an attorney than if they go unrepresented. The option for probation or a reduced sentence is a function of the facts of their particular case and what, if any, criminal background they have. If an individual has never been in trouble before and restitution can be made, Attorneys have been very successful in getting individuals into diversion programs, which would result in the dropping of the charges. If that is not an option, the overwhelming remainder of those cases will result in a reduction of sentence or probation without a conviction going on somebody’s record. This office has been very successful in obtaining all of those outcomes for people over the years.
How an Attorney Could Help Mitigate Consequences
A person charged with theft should consider hiring an Attorney for the same reason that any person charged with any crime should consider consulting with an Attorney. It is a criminal offense that should not be taken lightly. If it is not handled correctly or appropriately, any criminal offense could have negative ramifications or implications in the future, whether it be on a background check, a prospect for employment, immigration issues, or to enhance future penalties in any future criminal case. Theft-related cases are the types of offenses that really speaks toward somebody’s credibility in future employment prospects and opportunities. The role of a Ft. Lauderdale Attorney is to mitigate the consequences and potential harm a theft offense can bring.
A prospective employer might be reluctant to hire a person if there is a theft-related allegation coming up on their background. There are a lot of different ways to get charges dismissed and/or reduced or changed that an individual might not be well-versed with on their own without the benefit of consulting with or hiring an experienced criminal Attorney who deals with theft-related cases. For first offenders, there are a lot of different programs available that would result in the charges being dropped. If a person has a record and somebody does a background check, they would rather that entry show that a case was dropped versus somebody being sent to jail, pleading guilty or no contest, or being sentenced or punished for that offense. That is just one of a myriad of reasons why somebody would want to hire an Attorney that handles theft-related or shoplifting-related offenses.
Value of an Experienced Ft. Lauderdale Theft Attorney
Leifert & Leifert has Attorneys who have experience working on theft cases in Ft. Lauderdale. One was a Prosecutor who used to prosecute all types of theft-related cases, all the way from Misdemeanors and relatively minor shoplifting cases up to robbery and first-degree grand theft, organized skimming to defraud, robbery cases, and carjacking cases.
For over 20 years, this office has been helping people in Ft. Lauderdale get excellent results for their cases for individuals who have been accused of shoplifting or other theft-related cases, whether it be petty theft, grand theft, dealing with stolen property, possession of stolen credit cards, or anything theft related. The role of a Ft. Lauderdale theft Lawyer is to advocate for you, which is why you should work with an experienced Lawyer that could build your case. Call now to discuss your case.