Most traffic violations result in a simple ticket or citation. However, a reckless driving charge is more complex and is regarded as a criminal offense. The more severe nature of the charge usually increases when there are injuries, fatalities or prior convictions. Someone who is facing a reckless driving charge will strongly benefit from legal representation during Court proceedings.
When a person is charged with reckless driving, they may feel overwhelmed trying to absorb all the information about their case. Determining what facts are important to the integrity of the case and how to use them to create a valid legal defense is often quite intimidating.
A seasoned traffic attorney could help examine the facts and potentially walk someone through those difficult steps. As a result, consulting with a Palm Beach Gardens reckless driving defense lawyer may provide a significant advantage in Court. Call Leifert & Leifert today to schedule for a free case review.
Potential Penalties for Reckless Driving in Palm Beach Gardens
Florida Statutes §316.192 describes reckless driving as “driving any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.” Fleeing law enforcement while using a vehicle is also typically considered reckless driving. Penalties for reckless driving often include fines, probation, community service and even incarceration.
In Palm Beach Gardens, the first offense for reckless driving usually results in a fine of between $25 and $500 and a maximum 90-day jail sentence. Subsequent convictions may result in a $50 to $1,000 fine and the potential jail term of six months. However, incidents with any property damage or minor injuries can result in fines up to $1,000 and a maximum one year of incarceration. Typically, in cases involving serious bodily injury, the Prosecution may apply a Third-Degree Felony charge which carries a penalty of up to five years in State Prison.
Additionally, Florida’s habitual offender statute could negatively influence your reckless driving case if you have a history of previous felony convictions. A person convicted of previous felonies of violent crimes could be declared a “violent career criminal” under Florida Statutes §775.084. This typically allows a Judge to exceed the usual maximum prison terms and fines upon conviction for another crime. The penalties for this type of traffic offense can be harsh, therefore, the defendant may want to consult with a Palm Beach Gardens reckless driving defense attorney.
How Intoxication May Influence a Reckless Driving Incident
Alcohol or other drugs that may impair your cognitive function commonly contribute to reckless driving incidents. It could also compound your legal issues with a potential driving under the influence charge.
Typically, a person who is convicted of reckless driving is often required to participate in a driving under the influence education course and potentially evaluated for substance abuse issues. A Palm Beach Gardens reckless driving defense lawyer at Leifert & Leifert could provide further clarification on how this kind of scenario could potentially affect the outcome of your case. To learn more, consult with a knowledgeable defense attorney.
Reach Out to a Palm Beach Gardens Reckless Driving Attorney
Reckless driving is a serious charge that could potentially affect you for the rest of your life. A Palm Beach Gardens reckless driving defense lawyer could help identify legal strategies that are effective and possibly mitigate potential penalties and even avoid any conviction.
Our dedicated attorneys at Leifert & Leifert will look over your case to identify important facts and work to explain the process and the reasoning behind different applicable defenses. Completely understanding your case, along with all the details surrounding it could significantly help you build a credible defense to fight a reckless driving charge. Call today to schedule a consultation.