When a person is accused of committing a drug-related offense, they may be at risk of being handed a lengthy jail sentence. However, when the offense involves an element of manufacturing, the penalties could be much more severe. In some cases, individuals have been convicted of Felony offense, significantly impacting their lives for the worst.
If you have been accused of partaking in a drug manufacturing crime, you should get in touch with a skilled and trusted criminal Attorney at Leifert & Leifert as soon as possible. A Pompano Beach drug manufacturing Lawyer could review the accusations made against you and fight tirelessly to get you a favorable outcome. To get started on your case, schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable drug Attorney.
Definition of Drug Manufacturing
As per Florida Statute 893.147, you may be charged with a drug manufacturing offense if it is found that you possessed drug paraphernalia with the intent to plant, cultivate, or produce a controlled substance. If found convicted, you may be subject to penalties relating to a Felony of the third degree. Considering the serious implications a Felony conviction could have on a person’s criminal record, if you have been charged with this offense, it may be best to get in touch with a Pompano Beach drug manufacturing Lawyer promptly after being charged.
Potential Penalties a Drug Manufacturing Offense
Following a conviction for a Felony third-degree offense, you may be handed a jail sentence of up to five years. In addition, you may be required to pay a fine of $5,000. For habitual offenders, the jail sentence may increase to 10 years.
Penalties may be enhanced if the action took place near specific locations. These areas may include:
- Childcare centers
- Schools
- Community centers
- Universities
If you are found to be manufacturing drug in or around these areas, the Court may increase the degree of your offense by one degree. This is especially serious since, as the degree of the offense increases, so does the jail sentence. If you are worried that your charge may be increased due to these circumstances, be sure to contact an experienced drug manufacturing Attorney in Pompano Beach as soon as possible.
Pompano Beach Statutes Related to Drug Manufacturing
Although a drug manufacturing offense may automatically necessitate a third-degree Felony offense, you could have your initial charge elevated depending on the drug being manufactured. For example, you may be charged with a second degree Felony if your manufactured a Schedule I or II drug. These controlled substances include some of the most addictive and dangerous drugs such as Heroin, Methamphetamines, and Morphine. The penalties may include up to 15 years in and also a fine of up to $10,000.
The Court may also seize any property used to manufacture illicit substances. This includes houses, cars, trailers, and other property. The Court may also seizure any profits made from the manufacture of drugs.
Learn More from a Pompano Beach Drug Manufacturing Attorney
Being accused of manufacturing drugs is a serious situation which merits immediate legal assistance. Fortunately, if you have been accused of committing this offense, a Pompano Beach drug manufacturing Lawyer at Leifert & Leifert may be able to provide you with the assistance you deserve. By working with one of our experienced Attorneys, you are giving yourself an opportunity to combat the accusations made against you. If you wish to get started, be sure to schedule a consultation today,