For a first offense theft charge, specifically a shoplifting retail theft arrangement, an individual is often able to get a client into a Diversionary Program. A Diversion Program is something that will take a person’s case out of Court under the premise that while they take an adjournment of the case, the accused is going to do a couple of things.
The things that people typically do as part of a diversion program in a West Palm Beach theft charge is to attend a class, often referred to as an anti-theft class.
If you have been charged with the crime of theft and are seeking any potential diversionary programs as part of your defense strategy, consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable theft attorney in West Palm Beach can best advise you on any potential programs that can help lessen or dismiss any penalties you may be facing.
Process of a Diversion Program
When entering a Diversion Program after being accused of a West Palm Beach theft charge, the individual will often have to take a class, do some sort of community service, and stay out of trouble for a period of time.
If that person was able to successfully complete those things, then the charges would be dismissed. This is something that a person’s attorney would negotiate or would be something that will be done in writing.
For a first offense theft charge, specifically a shoplifting retail theft case, our experienced criminal defense lawyers are often able to get a client into a Diversion Program. A Diversion Program is something that will take a person’s case out of Court under the premise that while they take an adjournment of the case, the accused must do a couple of things. If during this “time out” in the case, the Client performs all negotiated terms and there are no new arrests or charges, the State will dismiss the pending charges at an agreed point in time.
If you are interested learning more about diversion programs in West Palm Beach theft cases, consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable theft attorney can best advise you on any potential programs that can help lessen or dismiss any penalties you may be facing.
What is the Goal of the Diversionary Program?
A Diversion Program is referred to as a guaranteed negotiated dismissal. Therefore the goal for any client and their defense attorney is to get the case dismissed following the completion of this program.
If a defense attorney is able to prove that their client is not guilty, and the government cannot prove that the client committed theft in West Palm Beach, then there is no need to move forward with a diversionary program.
If there is evidence that could be used to persuade a jury that a client may have committed the crime, not overwhelming evidence but enough evidence that the person might lose at trial, a Diversion Program is a good opportunity to resolve the case. It guarantees the person a dismissal. When entering a Diversion Program after being accused of a West Palm Beach theft charge, the individual will often have to take a class, do some sort of community service, and stay out of trouble for a certain period of time.
Benefits of a Diversionary Program Over a Trial
A trial involves two things. It involves spending money, and also involves risk. This is because the person does not know what the result is going to be, and the person does not even know who their jurors are going to be until they walk in the door. Unless the person would want to spend the money and take the risk, it is important to negotiate a dismissal. Many people, even if they feel strong on principle, are concerned about their lifestyle or livelihood and would love the opportunity to have a guarantee that the charges would go away rather than spending the time and money on trial. Diversion programs offer the benefit of ensuring the dismissal of someone’s theft charges in West Palm Beach and a successful outcome. To learn more, reach out to us today.