The most common reason a police officer issues a citation is because of speed limit violations. Though some tickets are mistakenly issued, it can be challenging to fight a ticket. However, with the proper legal assistance, you may be able to develop a crafty and successful defense against a speeding ticket.
If you have recently been issued a speeding violation, do not take action without consulting one of our highly rated and experienced traffic Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert. A knowledgeable Delray Beach speeding ticket Lawyer could review the details of your citation and fight to reduce the severity of the infraction.
Speeding Ticket Laws in Delray Beach
The law states that no one may drive faster than is “reasonable and prudent under the conditions”, as noted in Florida Statute §316.183. Depending on whether the area a driver is approaching requires a reduction of speed upon entrance, drivers may be subject to a speeding ticket even if they were below the speed limit. Examples include winding roadways, intersections, or narrow roads. In addition, bus drivers are to never exceed the posted speed limits at any time. Doing so could be cause for additional penalties within the scope of their employment.
Penalties for Speeding Tickets
According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, you may have 3 points added to your license for a speeding infractions. For instances in which you were accused of driving too fast for the given conditions, you may also have 3 points added to your license. In addition, you could be subject to hefty fines ranging from $100-$250 depending upon how fast you were going above the speed limit.
A court may also require you to attend driver education on the dangers of driving fast as well as learning how to properly drive. If you have been accused of speeding and wish to avoid these penalties, be sure to consult with a diligent speeding ticket Lawyer in Delray Beach as soon as possible.
Aggravating Factors for a Speeding Infraction
If you were caught speeding in a school or construction zone, your speeding fines could be doubled. Furthermore, you could also face a doubled fine if you were convicted of driving 30 mph over the limit within 12 months of your initial infraction. Other areas marked as an “enhanced penalty zone” could cause you to incur an extra $50 added to your fine if you were caught speeding in that area.
Get Help from a Delray Beach Speeding Ticket Attorney
Being accused of a speeding offense may require you to pay expensive fines. However, by enlisting the services of a Delray Beach speeding ticket Lawyer, you may not only be able to avoid paying fines, but having points added to your license as well. By avoiding points, you would reduce the risk of having to pay more expensive insurance premiums and maintain your driving privileges.
If you have been accused of traveling over the speed limit, be sure to schedule a consultation with one of our professional Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert. Call today to get started.