An allegation that you have committed a hit and run is a serious matter. If Law Enforcement has probable cause to believe that you have committed this crime, they have the authority to make an arrest. This will initiate proceedings in criminal Court that have the potential to change every part of your life. Understanding what will happen after an arrest and how to protect yourself is critical.
A skilled Lawyer is ready to provide help following Ft. Lauderdale hit and run arrests. A dedicated Attorney could provide more information about why an arrest has occurred and what to expect while in police custody. Our Team could also explain what a Prosecutor will need to prove at trial and how your choices after an arrest could help frustrate their case.
The Legal Process Behind a Ft. Lauderdale Hit and Run Arrest
Police Officers and other members of Law Enforcement can make an arrest when they have probable cause that a crime has occurred. While there is little that a person can do to prevent an arrest once a Police Officer decides to take this step, there are things that an individual can do to avoid the situation from worsening.
Remember that it is a separate crime to resist arrest. If a Police Officer says a person is under arrest, they have a legal obligation to submit. However, submitting to an arrest is different from making a Police Officer’s job easier. Always know that a Police Officer’s job is to obtain evidence that makes a conviction more likely. This includes asking questions of a person under arrest in an attempt to receive more information or even a confession. The only thing a person under arrest should say is that they will not answer any questions without first speaking with a Lawyer. A Legal Advocate could provide essential support to people under arrest for alleged hit and runs in Ft. Lauderdale.
What to Expect When Going to Court
An arrest for an alleged hit and run in Ft. Lauderdale is a criminal matter. This means a Defendant must appear before a Court for an arraignment as soon as possible after an arrest. Arraignment is an opportunity for a Court to formally enter the charge into the records and address issues concerning bail.
This may be a driver’s first chance to learn the specific law that they face allegations of breaking. As applied to hit and run cases, these will be Florida Statute § 316.061, leaving the scene of property damage, and FL Stat. § 316.027, leaving the scene of physical injury or death.
An Attorney may be able to assist during an arraignment when a Court is determining the proper bail conditions for a hit and run. Whether the Court will offer bail depends on several factors, including:
- The seriousness of the allegations
- The Defendant’s ties to the community
- Whether the Court believes that a Defendant is likely to commit another crime
A Lawyer could help argue for fair bail terms that allow a person to await trial from the comfort of home.
Ft. Lauderdale Hit and Run Arrests Deserve a Skilled Attorney
Leaving the scene of a vehicle collision that results in property damage, physical injury, or death is a crime under state law. This means that Police Officers may arrest you if they have probable cause to believe you were involved in an incident.
An Attorney at Leifert & Leifert can help protect your rights and interests after a Fort Lauderdale hit and run arrest. This includes sheltering you from aggressive Police tactics and arguing for appropriate bail during an arraignment. Reach out to our team of Lawyers now to learn more.