Being accused of embezzlement is a serious situation which, left undealt with, could result in significant legal trouble. Aside from the associated criminal penalties, a conviction for this offense could make it increasingly difficult to obtain housing, seek employment, and take part in voting.
If you have been accused of embezzlement, you should strongly consider getting in touch with one of our determined fraud attorneys at Leifert & Leifert for help. Speak with a Pompano Beach embezzlement lawyer to learn more about the legal process and what to expect as you prepare to defend yourself in court.
Embezzlement Law in Pompano Beach
Embezzlement is the act of someone taking money for their own personal benefit that another person placed in their care. It is also possible for a person to embezzle money from a friend or loved one if that person entrusted cash or property to them.
Pompano Beach does not have any laws dealing specifically with embezzlement. Any charges would fall under the theft laws found in Florida Statutes §812.014. The severity of theft charges varies based on the value of the allegedly stolen property.
This type of charge usually involves a business relationship and is often classified as a white-collar crime. As such, the case may include complex accounting issues and numerous business records, all of which must be collected and reviewed to ensure that nothing is missing or incorrect. A Pompano Beach embezzlement attorney could provide critical assistance with this process.
Petit Versus Grand Embezzlement
If the amount allegedly embezzled is between $100 and $300, you may face charges of first-degree petit theft, which is a first-degree Misdemeanor. The potential punishments for this offense include up to $1,000 in fines and a jail sentence of no more than one year.
If the value of the allegedly embezzled goods or money is less than $100, the associated charge would be second-degree petit theft, which is a second-degree Misdemeanor. If you have two previous convictions for petit theft of any kind, however, your third offense may be a third-degree Felony.
If the amount stolen exceeds $300, the court may charge you with committing a Felony. It is considered second-degree grand theft to steal property worth between $20,000 and $100,000, and first-degree grand theft entails stealing property worth $100,000 or more.
Upon conviction for the latter offense, the Court may order you to go to jail for up to 30 years and pay a fine of $10,000 on top of restitution for a first-degree felony. The court may also suspend your driver’s license after a conviction or adjudication of guilt. An embezzlement lawyer in Pompano Beach could assist with any degree of criminal charge you may find yourself dealing with.
Reach Out to a Pompano Beach Embezzlement Attorney Today
It can be challenging to know what steps to take after someone accuses you of stealing, so you may find speaking with one of our knowledgeable attorneys at Leifert & Leifert to be helpful. A Pompano Beach embezzlement lawyer may be able to help you understand your options and develop a solid defense strategy to protect your future and freedom. Call today to get started on your case.