The state of Tequesta’s location makes it vulnerable to drug trafficking. As such, all drug offenses are taken extremely seriously. It is in your best interest to contact a Tequesta drug Lawyer if you are charged with a drug offense.
Even a first-degree misdemeanor drug charge can result in spending a full year in jail if convicted. Further, more severe penalties could be imposed upon conviction if you have any prior drug convictions. One of our Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert who knows how to navigate the legal system could help you determine what your next steps should be to fight drug charges.
What are the Laws Regarding Drugs & Controlled Substances?
Tequesta laws on drugs and controlled substances prohibit a wide range of activities involving substances listed in the drug schedules. There are five drug schedules. Substances are categorized into a particular schedule based on several factors, including:
- Whether the substance has any accepted medical use in the U.S.
- The potential for becoming addicted to the substance
- The substance’s potential for abuse
- The degree to which the substance is safe to use
Schedule I contains drugs and substances with a potential for addiction and abuse and no accepted medical use. Examples of Schedule I drugs include heroin, Ecstasy, and LSD. On the other end are Schedule V drugs and substances, such as some pain killers and cough suppressants, which have the lowest potential for addiction or abuse and do serve medicinal purposes.
A person could face criminal charges for the unlawful possession, distribution, manufacturing, selling, or trafficking of certain drugs and substances listed in the drug schedules. Even if the drugs or substances being sold, manufactured, or trafficked are counterfeits, criminal drug charges can still be filed. An Attorney who handles drug cases could answer questions about Tequesta’s drug laws.
What are the Potential Penalties Following a Drug Conviction?
Tequesta’s penalties for crimes involving drugs or controlled substances vary depending on whether the offense is charged as a misdemeanor or felony, but generally involves a fine and imprisonment. For example, selling less than 20 grams of marijuana is a misdemeanor in the first degree and is punishable by a fine up to $1,000 and a jail sentence of up to 12 months. Felony drug crimes are punishable by lengthier terms of confinement in prison and heftier fines.
Possession of Cocaine
Possession of cocaine is a felony offense in Tequesta, but the exact penalties imposed depend on the amount of cocaine involved in the offense. Simple possession of less than 28 grams without intent to sell is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years incarceration. The penalty for possession of 28 grams of cocaine or more is a prison sentence of up to 15 years and fines up to $10,000. However, being in possession of more than 28 grams of cocaine can also be charged as drug trafficking.
The punishment for trafficking cocaine ranges from a mandatory minimum prison sentence of three to 15 years, depending on the amount of cocaine involved in the crime. The maximum term of imprisonment that can be imposed for cocaine trafficking is 30 years. A Lawyer who knows Tequesta drug laws could explain the penalties for a specific drug offense.
Contact a Tequesta Drug Attorney
It is not advisable to represent yourself when facing drug charges, particularly if you have prior drug convictions or the charges involve large amounts of a drug. Let a Tequesta drug Lawyer at Leifert & Leifert provide the professional legal assistance you need to develop a reasonable defense to the charges.
An Attorney will be with you during every phase of the legal process, advocating for you and advising you on your next steps. Contact a drug Attorney who can protect your legal rights while working to secure the best outcome possible in your case.