West Palm Beach DUI ignition interlock device installation can seem complicated initially. You may not know which car to install your advice in, or where to go to get the device installed, but that is where an attorney can help. An experienced DUI lawyer could tell you that interlock devices must be installed in the primary vehicle that you drive, if you have a car or regularly drive one. They could also explain how ignition interlock devices allow you to drive and could potentially be a condition of your license reinstatement. Most importantly, and attorney could devote the time and resources necessary to advocate for you, and help you contest the instillation of an IID, if you wish to do so.

Cost of Installing an Ignition Interlock Device

The cost of an ignition interlock device varies. It is typically anywhere from $100 to $150 installed and then there is monthly maintenance where, monthly, the device is actually monitored to see if it is kicked the person out for alcohol because it is detected positive breath alcohol. That typically runs anywhere from $50 to $75. These tend to vary from vendor to vendor. Experienced DUI attorneys often provide their potential clients with a list of vendors and the individuals pick the vendors that are closest to them and can give them the best appointments to the ones they feel that would give them the best service.

Drawbacks of IID

One of the West Palm Beach DUI ignition interlock device considerations to keep in mind is that the device is very intrusive. The device is also expensive and time-consuming to get it installed and monitored every month. People also always run the risk that someone may meddle with the device while their back is turned, and blow into it because they have their alcohol on their breath and they want to see if it works, which can have terrible consequences. That specific scenario would expose the person to possible penalties if they tested positive for alcohol and it exposes the car.

Contesting the Installation of an Ignition Interlock Device

In order to contest West Palm Beach DUI ignition interlock device installation, an individual must fight their case. If the ignition interlock is required by statute or required by policy and if it is not required by policy like on a diversion program and it is not required by law, it does not have to be installed. The only way to really fight the ignition interlock installation would be if someone fits into the criteria where it would be required would be to beat the case. If charges are mitigated, then the person may not have to install the device.

How a West Palm Beach DUI Attorney Can Help With the IID Installation

An attorney can help with the West Palm Beach DUI ignition interlock device installation process by  providing them with important information like, a list of vendors that sell and install devices. A lawyer could also help by telling someone when they need to get the device installed. The attorney can also make sure that they have the device installed on time. It is important that a person gets it installed quickly, and in a way that will not damage their car or,  flag them if there is an issue with the interlock.

Ignition Interlock Devices Following a West Palm Beach DUI
Fort Lauderdale 3rd Avenue
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • 1213 SE 3rd Avenue
    Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33316
  • Palm Beach Gardens
  • 800 Village Square Crossing
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
  • Wellington
  • 12230 Forest Hill Blvd
    Wellington, FL 33414
  • Ft Lauderdale
  • 6550 N. Federal Highway
    Suite #220
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
  • West Palm Beach
  • 2101 Vista Parkway
    West Palm Beach, FL 33411
  • Delray Beach
  • 2160 W Atlantic Ave
    2nd Floor
    Delray Beach, FL 33445
  • Plantation
  • 1200 S Pine Island Rd
    Plantation, FL 33324
  • Boca Raton
  • 10055 Yamato Road
    Suite 509
    Boca Raton, FL 33498
  • West Palm Beach
  • 2101 Vista Parkway
    West Palm Beach, FL 33411