Prostitution is the act of exchanging sexual favors for something of value. Though many people view the act of sex for money as a victimless crime, the police aggressively pursue suspects. Once the government has accused you of being a prostitute or having sex with a prostitute, you may need legal representation.
If you have been formally presented with a prostitution-related charge, make sure to speak with one of our criminal Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert today. A Weston prostitution Lawyer may be able to explain the law at issue and help you determine what defenses you have available.
When Could Someone be Charged with Prostitution?
If a person is believed to be charging other individuals sexual services in exchange for money, they would be accused of engaging in prostitution. The law also prohibits sex for hire that occurs between non-married persons, as found in Florida Statute §796.07. In addition, it is also illegal to:
- Own, operate, establish, or reside in a brothel
- Act as a broker for prostitution
- Allow people to use a building or vehicle to further an act of sex for profit
- Transport a person for an assignation
- Offer or promise to perform a sex act for money
- Request, solicit, or pay for a sexual favor for something of value
What are the Penalties for Prostitution in Weston?
The law increased the punishment for engaging in some act of prostitution, depending on the number of violations. A first offense is a second-degree Misdemeanor, which includes 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
Upon a second conviction, the Court may punish that person for a first-degree Misdemeanor. The Court may sentence the accused actor to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
If a person already had two or more findings of guilt, the Court may penalize that person for a third-degree Felony. On top of having a Felony record, the person may also receive five years in prison and have to pay a $5,000 fine.
If a person faces a first or second accusation of prostitution, that person may be eligible for pretrial intervention or a substance abuse treatment program. A Weston prostitution Lawyer can help a person argue for this result instead of a conviction and jail time.
Consequences for Prostituting a Minor
If a person accused of being a prostitute is a minor, the Court will not convict that person. However, if a person solicits or hires a prostitute, the Court will impose a stronger penalty because the young person cannot consent, as described in Florida Statute §796.001. The government may charge that person for abuse of children and exploitation of a child.
Contact a Weston Prostitution Attorney
If you are concerned about pending accusations, you may be worried about the effect on your life. Instead of worrying about what may happen, schedule a meeting with a Weston prostitution Lawyer. One of our skilled Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert can help you understand the applicable laws and how a prosecutor must prove a case.
You also do not know what the future holds, and it may be simpler to fight the first charge than any subsequent accusation. For help with building a defense, be sure to schedule a consultation today.