Our experienced DUI attorney at the Law Offices of Leifert & Leifert have decades of experience in defending DUI cases; additionally, we also bring to the table years of experience in prosecuting DUI cases. As such, we are entirely familiarized with the penalties for DUI convictions that are prescribed by the Florida State Statutes.
When our firm defends DUI cases, we strive to exonerate our clients completely. When exoneration is not possible, we aim at lessening the charges and/or minimizing the penalties our clients face following a possible conviction. A component of the penalties for DUI offenses in Florida is a fine sentence, which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on a variety of factors, including whether the DUI offense is the defendant’s first, whether there are other aggravating factors.
Potential Fines
Subsection s. 316.193(2)(a)-(b) of the Florida State Statutes outlines the fines for DUI convictions in Florida. According to the subsection, the fines are as follows:
1. For a First DUI Conviction: Not less than $500 or more than $1,000. With Blood/Breath Alcohol Level (BAL) of .15 or higher or if there was a minor in the vehicle, not less than $1,000 or more than $2,000.
2. For Second DUI Conviction: Not less than $1,000 or more than $2,000. With BAL of .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle, not less than $2,000 or more than $4,000.
3. For a Third DUI Conviction More Than 10 Years Following a Prior DUI Conviction: Not less than $2,000 or more than $5,000. With BAL of .15 or higher or if there was a minor in the vehicle, not less than $2,000.
4. For a Third DUI Conviction Within 10 Years of a Prior DUI Conviction (a third-degree felony): Up to but nor more than $5,000. With BAL of .15 or higher or if there was a minor in the vehicle, not less than $4,000.
5. For a Fourth or Subsequent DUI Conviction (a third-degree felony): Not less
than $2,000 or more than $5,000. With BAL of .15 or higher or if there was a minor in the vehicle, not less than $4,000.
As you can see, the further you move down the list of convictions, the more serious the fines are. Keep in mind that fines are only a component of the penalties you face for DUI offenses; in addition to having to pay up to thousands of dollars in fines, you can be sentenced to jail time, probation, community service, you can have your driver’s license revoked, you can have your car impounded, etc.
Contacting An Attorney
Having a first DUI conviction on your record jeopardizes both your reputation and your future. Our attorneys, all former prosecutors, are uniquely skilled at defending individuals who are facing DUI charges. From experience, we know how DUI cases are prosecuted and, therefore, we know how they are successfully defended. We may even be able to have the charges against you dropped and your arrest record expunged.