Prostitution involves engaging in sexual activity for hire and is prohibited in Lake Park. Depending on whether the offense is charged as a Misdemeanor or Felony, a person can face imprisonment and a substantial fine. If you have been charged with prostitution, let a Lake Park prostitution Lawyer represent you.
In addition to defending a person against prostitution charges, one of our professional Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert can also fight other related charges, such as providing a space for prostitution to occur. Whatever type of prostitution charges you might be facing, a Lawyer can help you fight to achieve an optimal resolution to your case. To begin discussing your legal options, schedule a free consultation today.
Laws on Prostitution Offenses in Lake Park
Laws on prostitution offenses in Lake Park can be found in chapter 796 of the 2019 Florida Statutes’ title on crimes. Several prostitution-related offenses are prohibited in Lake Park, including:
- Engaging in prostitution by providing sexual services in exchange for payment
- Taking a portion of the proceeds earned by another person who provides sexual services through prostitution
- Renting or providing a space to be used for prostitution or assignation
- Coercing or forcing another person to engage in prostitution
- Coercing or forcing a minor to participate in prostitution
A person can be charged with a Misdemeanor or Felony offense for participating in any of the above actions. A Lake Park prostitution Lawyer can explain the laws on prostitution offenses in greater detail, as well as defend a person against charges of prostitution or a related offense.
What are the Penalties for Prostitution Offenses in Lake Park?
The penalties for prostitution offenses committed in Lake Park can include a term of imprisonment and a substantial fine. The length of imprisonment and amount of the fine depend on the specific offense and whether it is identified as a Misdemeanor or Felony.
A first prostitution offense is charged as a Misdemeanor of the second degree, while a second offense is a first-degree Misdemeanor. The penalties for a first offense are a fine up to $500 and incarceration for up to 60 days. A second offense can be penalized by a fine up to $1,000 and imprisonment for up to one year.
A third or subsequent offense of prostitution is charged as a third-degree Felony. The penalties include imprisonment for up to five years and a fine as high as $5,000.
What Other Offenses are Related to Prostitution?
Renting or providing a space to be used for prostitution or assignation, and making arrangements for prostitution, is a first-degree Misdemeanor for the first offense. If convicted, you can spend up to one year in Jail and be ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. Subsequent offenses are third-degree felonies and are punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
Taking a portion of the proceeds of prostitution, which can involve pimping, is a Felony of the second degree for a first offense, a Felony of the first degree for subsequent offenses. Second-degree felonies can be punished by up to 15 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. The penalties for first-degree felonies include a fine up to $10,000 and a person term of up to 30 years.
Speak with a Lake Park Prostitution Attorney
There is no need for you to face criminal charges for prostitution or a related offense on your own. A Lake Park prostitution Lawyer who understands the laws prohibiting prostitution and related offenses can provide crucial legal representation and help you fight the charges.
In addition to having someone on your side fighting for your best interests, an Attorney can also work to protect your legal rights. Schedule a free consultation with one of our legal Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert to get started on your case today.