A prostitution arrest can be damaging to you both personally and professionally. You likely are embarrassed, stressed, and concerned about the impact of the arrest on your future. Fortunately, a Loxahatchee prostitution Lawyer may be able to provide you with the advice you need in this situation.
With the guidance of an experienced criminal Lawyer at Leifert & Leifert, you may be able to navigate the criminal justice system better, which can be confusing. By better understanding the procedures and laws that apply to your case, you may be able to make better decisions concerning your options. Together, you may be able to reach the resolution that is best for your situation.
Prostitution Charges in Loxahatchee
Prostitution occurs whenever people use their bodies or the bodies of others to engage in sexual activity in exchange for money or something of value. Under Fla. Stat. § 796.07, sexual activity covers not only sexual intercourse, but also other sex acts that involve penetration, union with, or handling of sexual organs. This statute goes on to describe a broad range of activities that can result in prostitution charges, which do not require that any sexual activity occur.
Prostitution charges can arise in a variety of circumstances. For instance, individuals might face prostitution charges if they invite another person into their vehicles or apartments so that they can engage in sexual activity in exchange for payment. Likewise, people might be arrested for prostitution if they arrange to meet another person in a hotel room to engage in sex for money.
Individuals also can face prostitution charges even if they do not personally engage in or intend to engage in sexual activity with others. For example, if they offer or agree to obtain another person to provide prostitution services to a third party, they still violate this statute. Similarly, as a prostitution Lawyer in Loxahatchee may advise, if they transport people to a place so that they can engage in prostitution, they can face prostitution charges along with the people whom they are transporting.
Potential Consequences of Prostitution Convictions
Typically, prostitution is a Misdemeanor offense. However, like most criminal offenses, multiple prostitution convictions can result in more severe Felony charges. A first offense is a second-degree Misdemeanor, which carries the potential for a maximum of 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
A second offense elevates the charge to a first-degree Misdemeanor, which can result in a jail sentence of one year and a $1,000 fine. For a third or subsequent offense, the charge is a third-degree Felony. If individuals are convicted on a third-degree Felony, they can face up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
Other potential consequences of a prostitution conviction can include mandatory enrollment in treatment, counseling, or educational programs, a term of probation, and community service hours. Vehicle impoundment or immobilization also is a possibility if a vehicle is used in the commission of the offense.
Enhancements to Prostitution Charges
If the act of prostitution involves soliciting, causing, or enticing others to engage in prostitution, the charges and penalties automatically increase. Therefore, individuals can face more severe penalties for committing this type of prostitution. For example, a first offense is a first-degree rather than a second-degree Misdemeanor, and a second offense is a third-degree Felony. Subsequent offenses will result in second-degree Felony charges, which is not an available charge for other acts of prostitution.
Furthermore, if the act of prostitution involves a minor, it becomes human trafficking under state law. As a result, individuals who commit prostitution in any form that involves minors can face human trafficking charges, which carry the potential for greater punishment. When facing these grave charges, enlisting the help of a prostitution Attorney in Loxahatchee may be necessary.
Call a Loxahatchee Prostitution Attorney for Guidance
The stakes are high in any criminal case, but a prostitution charge can do a lot of damage to your family, your career, and your reputation. Seeking the advice of a Loxahatchee prostitution Lawyer at Leifert & Leifert can be crucial to reaching a positive result to the charges that you are facing.
Working with legal counsel may allow you to more fully understand the evidence against you and the potential repercussions of a conviction. Having this knowledge may permit you to make more informed decisions about the disposition of your case.