Prostitution and solicitation of prostitution have increasingly become commonplace in all areas of the state. Individuals now could easily find escorts online and facilitate transactions without direct contact, which has led law enforcement officials to crack down on these crimes. If you or a loved one is facing solicitation or related criminal charges, you may need to contact a Loxahatchee solicitation Lawyer for advice.
A first-time solicitation arrest may not result in substantial penalties, and people may be able to keep their records clean by completing programs available in certain counties. However, the stigma of a solicitation arrest could stay with you for quite some time and may harm your ability to find and maintain better employment. One of our trusted Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert may be able to help minimize the impact of a solicitation arrest and resolve your situation positively and efficiently. To learn more, or to begin discussing the details of your case, be sure to schedule a consultation today.
Solicitation Charges Under State Law
Solicitation of prostitution occurs when individuals arrange for themselves or others to participate in prostitution or lewdness or take any actions to carry out prostitution or lewdness. State law refers to solicitation as assignation and makes a wide range of actions related to assignation illegal. Acts of prostitution and lewdness include virtually all types of sexual, obscene, or indecent activities.
Many people think of assignation as only encompassing hiring or offering to hire the services of a prostitute. However, many other actions could constitute assignation, as well. More specifically, prohibited acts of assignation also include:
- Making appointments to engage in sex for hire
- Maintaining a place or vehicle for others to engage in assignation
- Transporting others to a place or vehicle with a reasonable belief that they will engage in assignation or prostitution
- Inducing or causing others to engage in assignation
A person could be charged with solicitation even before they consummate the transaction and even before any money changes hands. The law does not require people to engage in the prostitution or lewd acts that they intended to carry out to commit this offense. Individuals who are facing these charges may benefit from the advice of a Loxahatchee solicitation Lawyer
Charges for Loxahatchee Solicitation Offenses
Solicitation charges are identical to prostitution and lewdness charges, so they carry the same possible penalties. Therefore, individuals who solicit prostitution could face equal charges and punishments to those who offer or engage in prostitution. Likewise, if individuals have previous convictions for solicitation, they could face elevated charges and penalties.
Although solicitation is typically a second or first-degree Misdemeanor charge, depending on the criminal history of individuals, those with three or more previous convictions could face third-degree Felony charges. Furthermore, if the assignation involves soliciting or enticing others to engage in prostitution, assignation, or lewdness, then the charges and penalties may increase. Under these circumstances, individuals could face second-degree Felony charges, which could cause a prison sentence of up to 15 years.
Penalties for Solicitation Convictions
At the Misdemeanor level, a first-time solicitation conviction may result in up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. The penalties for a second conviction could include up to one year of incarceration and a $1,000 fine. Once the offense becomes a Felony, however, individuals could face significant prison time, fines, and other repercussions.
Aside from incarceration and fines, individuals may have their vehicles immobilized or impounded if used to facilitate the assignation. They also may have to serve a term of probation, complete counseling or educational programs, or participate in community service. As the range of these penalties could be extensive, consulting a solicitation Attorney in Loxahatchee could be vital in avoiding or reducing these potential penalties.
A Loxahatchee Solicitation Attorney May Be Able to Assist You
As solicitation under state law is a wide-ranging offense, many actions may result in you being accused of this offense. Various defenses could be available in your case, but you may need the assistance of a Loxahatchee solicitation Lawyer at Leifert & Leifert to identify and implement available defenses.
Legal counsel could be essential to resolving your case in a way that has a minimum amount of impact on your reputation, your job, and your family. Together, you may be able to develop a defense strategy that is most likely to be successful in your case.