If you are facing a solicitation charge, you may have many worries and concerns for the future as you consider the impact that a conviction could have on the rest of your life. A criminal defense attorney could help you with the next steps in the legal process and work tirelessly to protect your legal interests.
If you have been accused of solicitation, it may prove worthwhile to have a seasoned criminal attorney review your case and assist you in preparation. Speak with a Pompano Beach solicitation lawyer at Leifert & Leifert to get started working on your case.
What Constitutes Solicitation in Pompano Beach?
Although solicitation is closely related to prostitution, it is actually a separate offense. In fact, the crime of prostitution does not have to occur in order for an individual to be convicted of solicitation. Simply asking or requesting that someone provide sexual services in exchange for money could constitute a solicitation of prostitution, even if no sexual act or transfer of money occurs.
Under Florida Statutes §796.07, inducing or enticing another person to engage in prostitution may be considered a solicitation offense. In the same vein, encouraging another person to engage in prostitution—even though the other person has no intention of actually doing so—may still fall under the definition of solicitation.
A Pompano Beach solicitation attorney could provide guidance regarding the prosecutor’s burden of proof in a solicitation case. While the exchange of money for sexual services is not required for a solicitation conviction, the intent to exchange money for sexual services is an important element of the crime of soliciting prostitution. Accordingly, there are numerous defenses which may be available to a person who has been accused of solicitation.
Potential Penalties in a Pompano Beach Solicitation Case
Depending on the circumstances of the case, the penalties for soliciting another person to engage in sexual activity may vary depending on various factors, including whether or not you have been convicted on such a charge before. If an individual does not have a prior conviction, they may face a first-degree Misdemeanor charge punishable by jail time not to exceed one year.
An individual’s second violation, however, would be a third-degree Felony that could lead to up to five years in jail, and a third violation could produce 15 years in jail as punishment for a second-degree Felony.
Other criminal penalties include fines and probationary periods, including a civil fine of $5,000. In certain cases, the Court may also order an individual to perform community service. A Pompano Beach solicitation lawyer could help you build a personalized defense that might help you avoid steep criminal penalties.
Talk with a Pompano Beach Solicitation Attorney Today
A conviction for solicitation may be avoidable with the help of our legal team. By discussing the details of your case with a Pompano Beach solicitation lawyer from Leifert & Leifert, you may be able to generate a solid defense which could withstand any attack made by the Prosecution.
Following a free initial consultation, we could help you present your side of the story. Call today to get started on your case.