Sex crimes involve some of the harsher penalties of all criminal offenses. Not only could a convicted person face a substantial amount of time in prison, but their way of life could forever be disturbed since they may be required to register as a sex offender. This allows anyone in the public to find out whether someone has been accused of a sexual-related in the past.
Reach out to one of our well-versed criminal Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert if you have been charged with committing a sexual related offense. A Sunrise sex crimes Lawyer could review the circumstances of your case and inform you of what legal options are available to you. To learn more, be sure to schedule a consultation today.
The Range of Obligation Inflicted by Sexual Battery Offenses
The offense of sexual battery explained in §794.005 through 794.024 of the Florida Statutes, includes anal, vaginal, or oral penetration or union by the sex organ of another or anal or vaginal penetration with any object. One of the more serious sex offenses occurs when someone 18 years of age or older carries out a sexual battery on a minor younger than 12 years of age or injures the sexual organs of the minor while attempting sexual battery. This offense constitutes a capital Felony. When the alleged offender is younger than 18 years of age, the offense constitutes a life Felony.
Those facing a sexual battery charge in Sunrise could benefit from a strong defense formed with the help of an experienced sex crimes Attorney.
Types of Indecent Exposure Punishable Under Sunrise Law
Three basic types of lewdness or lascivious behavior are provided in §800.02 through 800.04 of the Florida Statutes, such as:
- An unnatural and lascivious act which could be charged as a second-degree Misdemeanor
- Exposure of sexual organ, which may be charged as a first-degree Misdemeanor
- Lewd or lascivious battery which is normally charged as a second-degree Felony
Lewd or lascivious involves either engaging in sexual activity with a minor at least 12 years of age but younger than 16, or convincing or forcing a minor under the age of 16 into any act that involves sexual activity, including prostitution. Someone convicted of lewd and lascivious battery who has a prior conviction for one of several listed offenses faces a first-degree Felony.
The offense of lewd and lascivious molestation differs from lewd and lascivious battery, which involves either touching a minor younger than 16 or forcing a minor to engage in such touching of the accused. The offense normally constitutes a third-degree, second-degree, first-degree or life Felony, depending on the ages of the parties involved. Someone charged with this type of offense in Sunrise, particularly one defined as battery or molestation, could increase their chances of avoiding a conviction by scheduling a consultation with a sex crimes Attorney.
Speak with a Sunrise Sex Crimes Attorney Today
While criminal charges may not cause celebration, they could be made less burdensome by a competent Lawyer who seeks the best deal for you. Your responsibility lies in finding them as soon as you can.
Do not put off an important task that seems uncomfortable. Your effort now could yield significant dividends later. Reach out to a Sunrise sex crimes Lawyer whose primary concern is to ease the burden on you.