A drunk driving arrest can lead to fines, driver’s license suspension, jail time, and a mark on your permanent record. If you face charges or a conviction for drunk driving, call an experienced Boca Raton first-time offense DUI lawyer right away to strategize your defense. Our diligent DUI attorneys will appear for you in Court and address any concerns that you may have after facing this offense for the first time.
What is the Implied Consent Law in Boca Raton?
Anyone in this State who holds a driver’s license gives their consent to submit to a blood and alcohol or urine test if an officer asks them to do so during a stop. Any driver who refuses these tests for the first time will face an automatic, 12-month license suspension. It is important to understand that once a driver receives their license, they typically sign a statement that says they have been told of the penalties involved in refusing a breathalyzer or other chemical testing. A Boca Raton DUI attorney could answer questions on implied consent if they are facing a DUI offense of the first time.
Penalties for a First-Time DUI Offense
Under Florida Statutes § 316.193(c)(3)(c)(1), if a driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol and causes damage to property, they are guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor. According to Florida Statutes § 775.082(b)(3)(c)(4)(a), a first-degree misdemeanor of this nature is punishable by a prison sentence of up to one year. State statute sets mandatory minimum sentences and penalties for each DUI arrest. For each subsequent arrest, the penalties become increasingly more severe. Even after the first arrest, an individual faces up to six months of incarceration. An experienced DUI lawyer Boca Raton could go over the drunk driving penalties and sentences for a first-time offender.
Loss of Driver’s License Privileges
An individual will have up to 10 days to request a Formal Administration Hearing after an arrest for the suspicion of drunk driving. If they do not request the hearing, the administration will automatically suspend their driver’s license for six months to one year. Additionally, to request this hearing, the driver in question must enroll in a substance abuse school and have no more than two previous DUI convictions.
Meet with a Boca Raton First Offense DUI Attorney
Even when it is your first time facing drinking and driving charges, you should not take on this case on your own. After being arrested for a first-time drunk driving offense, you should seek out skilled legal counsel. An experienced attorney could help you investigate the reason for the initial stop and plan your defense. Every detail of your arrest and stop could help build a case in your defense. A skilled Boca Raton first offense DUI lawyer from Leifert & Leifert could help fight for your rights and freedom when you go to court. For more information about how we could help you with your case, call today and schedule a consultation.