Domestic violence charges can result from toxic situations, misunderstandings, or a bad decision made in a split second. Regardless of the circumstances that led to the alleged act of violence, a domestic violence conviction could forever alter the lives of the Defendant and their loved ones.
If you were accused of domestic violence, it could be crucial that you have one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys aiding you through the proceedings. With representation from a Jupiter domestic violence lawyer from Leifert & Leifert, you could rest assured knowing that our domestic violence team will work tirelessly to get the best result possible for you.
What is Domestic Violence?
There are many offenses that may fall under the umbrella of domestic violence, including but not limited to:
- Domestic assault/aggravated assault
- Domestic battery/aggravated battery
- Elderly abuse
- Kidnapping/false imprisonment
- Stalking, harassment, and aggravated stalking
- Sexual battery, rape, and other related sex offenders
- Violating a restraining order and/or no-contact order violation
- An act resulting in injury or death of a household member by another household member
In order for a criminal act to be considered domestic violence, the parties involved spouses, former spouses, people related by blood, people living together in the same household, people who have resided in the same household in the past, or people who have a child or children together regardless of current or former marital status. Our Jupiter domestic violence attorneys could be uniquely qualified to investigate the circumstances surrounding your case and work on your behalf to contest your charges and seek a positive resolution.
What are the Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction?
As of October 1, 2017, Florida has minimum jail sentences for domestic violence. Specifically, according to Florida Statutes §741.283, a first-time offender must spend 10 days in jail if convicted.
Upon a second and third conviction, the offender would be sentenced to 15 days in jail and 20 days in jail, respectively. Furthermore, according to Fla. Stat. §741.281, those convicted of domestic violence are required to spend at least one year on probation and participate in a batterers’ intervention program.
Depending on the circumstances of their case, a convicted Defendant may also lose their concealed weapons permit, become unable to seal or expunge the record of their domestic violence arrest, face civil proceedings such as injunctions and restraining orders, and pay fines. The Jupiter domestic violence lawyers at Leifert & Leifert have expertise and experience in protecting Defendants from these harsh and often life-altering punishments.
Speak with a Jupiter Domestic Violence Attorney Today
If you are facing a charge that falls within the category of domestic violence, you may be facing imprisonment, fines, the loss of professional and educational opportunities that require a background check, and even restriction of your ability to enter your household. A Jupiter domestic violence lawyer at Leifert & Leifert could fight for your rights and help ensure that you are treated fairly and justly in your case. Contact us today so our team has adequate time to investigate and your case and construct an effective defense strategy for pursuing a positive outcome.