When someone is accused of committing a theft offense, you may be facing substantial criminal penalties. Not only could you be subject to a jail sentence, but you could find it difficult to continue to live a normal life upon serving your sentence. For example, specific civic duties and rights may be taken away from you, such as the right to vote or the ability to obtain employment.
If you have been accused of committing a theft-related offense, you should immediately get in touch with one of our experienced criminal Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert. A Jupiter theft Lawyer could review the circumstances of your case and advise you on your next legal steps.
What is Considered Theft in Jupiter?
As stated in Florida Statute § 812.014, you could be charged with theft if you knowingly obtain the property of another person with the intent to either temporarily or permanently deprive them of it or benefit from the property. Theft could also be classified into grand theft or petit theft. A petit theft accusation could be charged as a Misdemeanor, whereas a grand theft charge would be considered a Felony. It is best to seek help from a skilled theft Lawyer to learn about the differences between the difference offenses.
Penalties for Grand Theft
Examples of grand theft may include taking property worth at least $100,000 or more, obtaining property worth at least $50,000 while in transit for sale, or the illegal taking of a car. You could also be charged with grand theft if you caused more than $1,000 in damage while engaging in theft. The following are the potential penalties you could incur following a grand theft conviction:
- First-degree grand theft: 30 years in jail
- Second-degree grand theft: 15 years in jail
- Third-degree grand theft: 5 years in jail
Consequences of Committing Petit Theft
A person could be charged with first-degree petit theft if they take property worth $1.00-$300. If accused of this offense, you could be facing a prison sentence of up to one year in prison and a $1,000 fine. In the event that you are charged with a second degree petit theft, you could be required to serve a term of imprisonment not exceeding 60 days. For more insight please get in touch with a knowledgeable Jupiter theft Lawyer as soon as possible.
Contact a Jupiter Theft Attorney
Being accused of committing a theft offense may prove to be a stressful and scary situation to experience. However, with the help of one of our experienced Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert you may be able to mitigate the charges held against you.
A diligent Jupiter theft Lawyer could sit with you to review the circumstances of your offense and offer you valuable legal guidance. An Attorney could review the facts of the case, collect evidence and speak to witnesses to help you build a defense. Reach out to an Attorney to learn about what may be possible in your case. Call today to get started.