In Florida, any type of moving violation is covered by Chapter 316 of the Florida statutes. If stopped by an officer they may want to ensure that the license plates, registration and insurance are all up to date. Under all circumstances, people facing any traffic stop, whether it be routine or otherwise, should consider contacting a skilled traffic violations attorney in Fort Lauderdale. Contact a lawyer about how understanding Ft Lauderdale traffic laws can help your case.
Understanding the Role of Ft Lauderdale Traffic Law
Understanding Ft Lauderdale traffic laws can be critical because regulations for drivers cover a wide variety of issues regarding how an individual must operate their vehicle, and follow the rules of the road and how to properly keep up with with the documentation of their vehicle.
What Do Driver Regulations Typically Cover?
The offenses are wide-ranging and again, they cover the manner in which an individual drives, documentation, licensing, the bigger or more serious offenses deal with driving under the influence, accidents involving serious bodily injury, fatality related incidents, and then if there is any type of alleged criminal behavior in conjunction with that that aggravates the situation.
For example, somebody is driving recklessly, that is a criminal offense but if somebody driving recklessly and they cause an accident involving serious bodily injury or death, that is a much more serious type of offense. This refers to how an individual operates their vehicle and if the vehicle is documented and how the individual is properly licensed constitutes traffic offenses in Fort Lauderdale.
What is a Misdemeanor Traffic Offense?
Statutes define what traffic misdemeanors are and, technically, any traffic-related offense for which one can receive up to a year in county jail is considered to be a traffic misdemeanor. These offenses are referred to as traffic criminal cases. A common example of a traffic criminal case would be driving while one’s license is suspended, reckless driving, racing, certain tag violations, attaching a tag that’s not assigned to one’s vehicle, or operating without a valid driver’s license.
Deciding to Discuss a Traffic Criminal Case with a Lawyer
For any type of traffic-related matter, it is always critical to make an effort in understanding Ft Lauderdale traffic laws. The chances of getting the best possible result significantly increase with having a defense attorney on their side, though.
Anything that an individual can do to see what they can do to get their case dismissed or make sure that the points do not appear on their driver’s record is a smart move and again for relatively minor infractions, the legal fee isn’t expensive and it is money well spent. Under almost all circumstances, an individual should consider contacting a traffic defense lawyer even if it is just to ask what their options are.