Charges of a sexual offense can be the most serious accusations you face and could drastically change your future. Before you decide how to proceed, you may benefit from speaking with a legal representative. An aggressive Hollywood sex crimes Lawyer could help combat these allegations and protect your futures.
The keen criminal defense Attorneys from Leifert & Leifert could be the key to protect your freedom and reputation. Our Lawyers could conduct an independent investigation, examine the legality of police work and potential arrest, and present a powerful defense in court.
Sexual Offenses in Hollywood
The classification of sex crimes in Hollywood ranges from Misdemeanors to capital Felonies. This determination is typically based on the type of sex crime, the level of any involved violence, and the identity of the alleged victim.
The most serious allegations of sex crimes involve sexual battery. According to Florida Statute §794.011, a sexual battery is any oral, anal, or vaginal penetration of another by either a person’s body or object. Sexual battery against another adult is a serious felony of the first degree. These convictions carry a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.
Allegations of sexual battery against a minor, or if a Defendant has a previous conviction involving sexual battery, could elevate the charges. Penalties may rise to life in prison or even the death penalty, in the case of sexual battery against a child under the age of 13.
Battery is not the only type of criminal sexual offense. Other examples of sex crimes that do not involve sexual battery include:
- Exposure of sexual organs, under Fla. Stat. §800.03
- Lewd and lascivious behavior, under Fla. Stat. §798.02
- Prostitution, under Fla. Stat. §796.07
- Sexual misconduct, under Fla. Stat. §393.135
No matter the type of sex crime that a Defendant faces, a sex crimes Lawyer in Hollywood may be able to help.
Will a Conviction Require a Defendant to Register as a Sex Offender?
If a Court convicts a Defendant of certain sex crimes, they are required by law to register as a sex offender. According to Fla. Stat. §943.0435, offenses that require registration include certain examples of sexual misconduct, sexual battery, child pornography offenses, and sexual offenses committed against children, including kidnapping, luring a child, or human trafficking.
The requirement to register as a sex offender could affect a Defendant far after the conclusion of a criminal case. Registration requires a person to consistently check in with Law Enforcement, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and disclose their status to an online database. Sex offender status could also restrict where an individual could live, the jobs they could hold, and may lead to a permanent criminal record. Our seasoned defense Lawyers could detail the consequences of sex offender registration and combat the charges that could result in the requirement to register.
Work with a Hollywood Sex Crimes Attorney
The mere allegation of a sexual offense could forever change your life. Even without a criminal conviction, the public may make up their mind concerning the charges and damage your reputation. Therefore, it is vital to mount a powerful defense as soon as possible.
The Hollywood sex crimes lawyers from Leifert & Leifert could help protect you by conducting their own investigation into the incident, speaking with witnesses, and arguing for your freedom in court. Call us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss the charges you face.