Every driver is required to have insurance in West Palm Beach. Motorists are to have personal injury protection at the very least. This policy has a maximum benefit of $10,000, but drivers are recommended to acquire a better policy. Any driver caught operating their vehicle without insurance or possibly inadequate coverage could be subject to harsh consequences such as an expensive fine and a suspension of license until proof of insurance has been obtained.
If you have been handed a ticket for driving without insurance in West Palm Beach, feel free to reach out to one of our skilled traffic Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert for help.
When Would Someone Face Charges for Driving Without Insurance?
A person could be charged with driving without insurance after a traffic stop after a traffic accident when requested to show proof of insurance. If they do not have insurance or their insurance is expired, they will likely receive a ticket for driving without insurance. If a driver gets into an accident without insurance, they will get another ticket for driving without insurance while involved in an accident with the possibility of having their license suspended for at least six months.
Considered an Aggravating Factor
Driving without insurance or proof of insurance could be used as an aggravating factor for other offenses. For example, if an individual is charged with drinking and driving that resulted in an accident, they would be responsible for any damages that they caused. If the alleged victim of the accident decides to file a claim for compensation and the at-fault party does not have insurance that could cover the compensation being asked for, the court could suspend the driver’s license until the amount owed is paid.
Who Enforces Insurance Requirements?
There are several individuals who could enforce the insurance requirements on a driver. The first people to come to mind is the driver’s family. Their family should make sure that they are not going to suffer any type of catastrophic financial loss or credit risk or judgment against them.
The second person who could make sure that a driver is insured is the driver’s Attorney. If a person receives a ticket for driving without insurance and they go see their Attorney for guidance, the one of the priorities will be to obtain insurance. If all else fails, the court will require an individual to get insurance. At this point, if they still do not obtain insurance, their license could be suspended until they do so.
Call Today to Learn about Driving Without Insurance in West Palm Beach
Driving without insurance in West Palm Beach could have significant consequences if you are involved in an accident or pulled over for another offense. Depending on the circumstances of your situation, you could even face a suspension of license up until you are properly covered.
If you wish to learn more about driving without proof of insurance, have been charged with driving without insurance, or are looking for guidance regarding a particular case, be sure to get in touch with a skilled Attorney at Leifert & Leifert today.