When you suddenly face charges stemming from an incident under culpable negligence, you may have many questions about your case and the penalties you may receive. It may be surprising that culpable negligence is, in fact, a criminal offense. As such, you could face incarceration and other punishments following prosecution of the charges against you.
A culpable negligence offense is not something you should take lightly as it could leave a lasting negative mark on your record, creating obstacles for you in the future surrounding housing, employment, and anything that requires a background check. Hiring a West Palm Beach culpable negligence Lawyer from Leifert & Leifert at the outset of your case can give you the best chance to reach a positive outcome. Our dedicated criminal defense Attorneys can build your defense.
Difference Between Negligence and Culpable Negligence
You may not initially think of negligence as a criminal act, but there are certain instances when an Officer may make an arrest for culpable negligence following an accident, injury, or dangerous situation that led to injuries. Culpable negligence does not have an all-encompassing definition clearly stating an action that falls under the statute. Rather, the law is open-ended, allowing Law Enforcement to make an arrest when they determine an individual risked or endangered the lives of others with indifference and carelessness.
After a culpable negligence arrest, you could work with an Attorney in West Palm Beach to determine the best course of action for you. In comparison, standard negligence is a civil matter that does not entail criminal punishment against a Defendant; rather, they are liable for the damages they cause. Although any legal matter involving negligence can result in challenges in a Defendant’s life, culpable negligence can cause significant disruption and may result in jail time, fines, and other Court-ordered programs.
Culpable Negligence Charges and Penalties
There are many situations where an arrest can occur under the statute based on the actions of an individual. Common instances of culpable negligence might revolve around the accessibility of firearms, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, motorists or motorcyclists that engage in reckless maneuvers or speeding, or other instances where a member of the public is at risk of or suffers an injury or death. When you are facing culpable negligence charges in West Palm Beach, contact a Leifert & Leifert Lawyer to discuss the specifics of your case.
The penalties for culpable negligence may be severe. The charges can result in a second-degree Misdemeanor or, in more serious cases, a third-degree Felony. Possible penalties may include up to five years of incarceration, depending on the factors of the case and any aggravating circumstances. Different aspects can influence the severity of the charges and the sentencing guidelines that apply in a case, such as whether a victim suffered an injury and whether the accident involved an underage individual using or obtaining a firearm.
After a Culpable Negligence Arrest, Contact a West Palm Beach Defense Attorney
Having an Attorney to defend you can make a world of difference in the outcome of your case. Our team of West Palm Beach culpable negligence Lawyers at Leifert & Leifert can fiercely represent you. We can evaluate the case against you and the events leading up to and following the charges to identify whether they are appropriate and if there is any violation of your rights.
We can also communicate with the Prosecution to fully understand the nature of the charges against you and which options are available to provide you with a reasonable resolution that does not impact your life and future. Call now for a free case review.